Sakshi Charitable Trust, duly registered under the provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, was established in August 2008 with the noble intention of bringing the needy and the underprivileged “Souls” into main stream of society and help them see and enjoy the “Dawn of inexplicable mirth”. In a very short time this Charitable Trust came to be recognized as a renowned charitable organization carrying out such projects that have been more than useful to different sections of society.
Sakshi Charitable Trust also started an organization exclusively for Women, known as “Swayamsiddha” in 2010 under the leadership of Mrs.Shraddha Samir Jage, one of the trustees of Sakshi Charitable Trust. As on today, there are more than 1000+ active women members in this organisation. ”Swayamsiddha” undertakes cultural, social, educational and vocational projects to make the women self dependent. Needless to say, this organisation has been progressing in leaps and bounds.
Sakshi Charitable Trust is an all pervasive Charitable Trust continuously working in various social fields. This Charitable Trust is committed to the upliftment of the poor and needy men, women and children. It is growing in popularity very fast and more and more people are getting attracted towards it. It is evident that the future of this Public Charitable Trust is very bright.
There is a wide gap between the “haves” and “have-nots”. Sakshi Charitable Trust does not leave a single stone unturned to serve the cause of “have-nots”. Our special set-up is such that the rich become the richer but the poor do not get an opportunity to become the rich. The situation must change it is not a child’s play to bring about the much needed change. The people working for this Public Charitable Trust are determined to make the impossible, possible. Sakshi Charitable Trust strongly beliveves that it is not what we can take but it is what we can give that matters.